
Find out what's happening here at Cub Run ES

School Sponsored Activities:

Cub Run has many opportunities for students to explore their interests, gain leadership opportunities, and grow as students and citizens. Activities at Cub Run include:

  • Cubby Nation News Crew: 6th grade students are able to join our news team, where they work together in our news studio to record our morning announcements. Students are responsible for reporting school news, recording the announcements, and running the technology necessary to stream the announcements to the rest of the school.
  • Instruments: our grades 4-6 students have the opportunity to join our Strings program here at Cub Run. Students grades 5-6 are able to join band. Students who do not participate in either Strings or Band will continue with general music education during the school week.
  • Fifth and Sixth Grade Chorus: Students in grades 5 and 6 are able to sign up for chorus with our music teachers, Ms. Shultz and Mr. Pidkivka. Sixth grade chorus students have an opportunity to also participate in the FCPS All County Choral Festival.
  • Safety Patrols: Safety patrols are an important part of our arrivals and dismissals each day. Fifth and sixth graders who are selected as safety patrols are given specific assignments- on buses, at our kiss 'n ride, or monitoring walkers- to help keep our students safe each morning and afternoon. Our safety patrols also escort our kindergartners to their classrooms each day, making sure they get to where they need to be.
  • Student Counsel Association (SCA): Our SCA officers are elected by their classmates at Cub Run to serve as our student government representatives. Fifth and sixth grade students can run for the offices of president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, historian, and sergeant at arms. There are also two class representatives from each grade 3-6 classroom who participate in the SCA. The SCA meets together regularly to organize service projects and come up with school spirit days. This is a great opportunity for students who wish to gain leadership roles within the school. 
  • STEAM: For all Cub Run students, K-6, learn more about the FCPS STEAM program here.

PTA-Organized Activities

In addition to the school sponsored activities above, the Cub Run PTA run several annual events for the student body:

  • Cub Run a Thon
  • Spelling Bee
  • Science Fair
  • Talent Show
  • Spring Fling
  • Original Works

Our PTA also provides opportunities for students to join after school classes. Classes include:

  • Silver Knights Chess Club
  • Sports Club
  • Not Just Dance

You can learn more about these after school opportunities and annual events by going to the Cub Run PTA website, linked below.