2022-2023 ESSER III/School Innovation and Improvement Plan
Outcome goals for this academic year.
Complete ESSER school funding plan
2022-2023 SIIP / ESSER At-a-Glance
Cub Run Elementary School
Region 5
Natalie Lorenzi, Principal
Background: The Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER III) is a federal grant which requires that spending be used in specific areas. Part of the Fairfax County Public Schools spending plan identifies funding to be used for unfinished learning and student academic and social, emotional, and mental health (wellness) needs. Schools have been given funding allocations to support the academic and wellness needs of students. Schools are required to create plans in English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Wellness highlighting the strategies they will use to support these areas using their ESSER III funding. These strategies are shown below.
English Language Arts Strategies
Outcome: By June 2023, 100% of students will meet grade-level benchmarks as measured by PALS (K), iReady reading (gr. 1-6), or SOL (gr. 3-6), or will make their iReady target growth goal for the year.
Strategy 1
All students will receive strong tier 1 instruction in reading.
Strategy 2
Students with tier 2 and 3 instructional needs in reading will receive evidence-based and systematic support.
Strategy 3
Continue to refine the MTSS Process to meet all students by name and by need.
Mathematics Strategies
Outcome: By June 2023, 100% of students will meet grade-level expectations as measured by EMAS (K), iReady math (gr. 1-6), AVMR (gr. K-2) or SOL (gr. 3-6), or will make their iReady target growth goal for the year.
Strategy 1
Grade level teams will demonstrate proficiency in applying the Collaborative Team Learning cycle for 2-3 math units this year.
Strategy 2
Improve tier 2 and tier 3 math interventions through Multi Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS).
Strategy 3
Continue to refine the MTSS Process to meet all students by name and by need.
Wellness Strategies
Outcome: By the end of the 2022-23 school year, Cub Run will utilize CASEL 3 Signature Practices to effectively teach self-management skills, increasing schoolwide scores on the self-management portion of the SEL Screener by at least 10% from 37% to 47%.
Strategy 1
Develop adults’ foundational knowledge regarding the rationale for required practices (CASEL’s 3 Signature Practices and morning meeting/ closing circle) and tools to support their implementation.
Strategy 2
Integrate all of CASEL’s 3 Signature Practices school-wide with students, adults, and families with fidelity.
Strategy 3
Provide targeted or intensive interventions for students to support needs at tier 2/3.
Portrait of a Graduate (POG)
POG Outcome: By June 2023, 100% of students will demonstrate an understanding of POG as reported on a student survey (written/verbal) response, given at the beginning and end of the year.
POG Strategy 1:
Students will build an understanding of why POG attributes and skills positively impact students within and beyond school.
POG Strategy 2:
Collaborative Learning Teams will align content knowledge and skills with POG attributes and skills.
POG Strategy 3:
Families will build an understanding of why POG attributes and skills positively impact students within and beyond school.